
Microsoft autoruns for windows
Microsoft autoruns for windows

microsoft autoruns for windows

Don't uncheck anything unless you understand what it does and know you don't need it. Dig in and find out what your computer is up to. The Description section generally has a one-line summary of what each application does, and if not you can right-click any app to do a quick search using your default search engine and browser. I could go on, but the best way to learn here is to explore. The Explorer tabs show you add-ons and plugins that add functionality to file browser-Dropbox, for example, adds several Explorer add-ons to show the syncing icons in Explorer. Drivers shows all the device drivers-these allow your operating system to communicate with various hardware devices, such as printers, scanners, and cameras. This could include system maintenance tasks, software updates, and other activities. Scheduled Tasks shows all the tasks that are scheduled to run automatically at specific times or after certain events. This can include tools that keep software up-to-date or anything that need to run in the background. Services shows you the background programs that run continuously on your device.

Microsoft autoruns for windows