
Who founded global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict peace
Who founded global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict peace

Oxfam Novib is part of a world-wide development organization. GPPAC's mission is to promote a global shift in peacebuilding from solely reacting to conflict to preventing conflicts from turning violent.

who founded global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict peace who founded global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict peace

The Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) is a member-led network of civil society organisations (CSO's) active in the field of conflict prevention and peacebuilding across the world. It delivers innovative solutions to complex problems by emphasizing performance in projects that tackle security & justice, health and economic opportunity. Cordaid builds flourishing self-reliant communities in the world's fragile regions.

who founded global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict peace

Cordaid is a civil society organization focusing on development and collaboration in vulnerable regions and areas of conflict.

Who founded global partnership for the prevention of armed conflict peace